Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fire defence may cost $100,000

Fire defence may cost $100,000

THE work required to prepare for bushfires in Moorabool could cost the council about $100,000 annually, its chief executive says.

And Moorabool Council has vowed to push for state reimbursement for the cost of meeting the shire’s extra bushfire preparedness obligations.

At last week’s council meeting, chief executive Robert Dobrzynski said the level of the preparations the council was now required to complete went beyond what it had done in the past.

He said there was a big push among councils to lobby the State Government for some contributions, especially for towns such as Blackwood and Greendale, named as having a high fire risk.

Councillors voted to write to the Premier and local MPs to inform them of the set-up and ongoing costs of meeting the shire’s bushfire preparedness and safety obligations, such as those arising out of Bushfire Royal Commission recommendations.

Neighbourhood Safer Places - places of last resort during a bushfire - were also discussed at the meeting.

The council voted to designate Gordon Community Hall in Main Rd and the former Darley Junior Secondary Campus Hub as NSPs.

It also agreed to liaise with the Department of Sustainability and Environment about declaring Mt Egerton Community Hall an NSP and to talk with Myrniong Primary School about its grounds.

While a report said Lal Lal Hotel and Gordon Hotel had been certified by the CFA as potential NSP locations, the Municipal Emergency Planning Committee recommended they not be designated as NSPs. The recommendation - adopted by the council - said the shire did not require two NSPs in Gordon and that the Lal Lal Hotel was a private venue.

Source: whereilive


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