Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Summer Sole Mates

Summer Sole Mates

Mindful of how easy the kilos pile on during Christmas and New Year, Walking For Pleasure Brisbane have designed a series of walks for summer that will have you stepping out around the Brisbane River; parks; bush tracks and beaches as summer 'sole mates'.
Walks designed for the cooler parts of the day and early evening are featured in their programme booklet (available on your first walk) of walks that have more on their mind than just physical fitness, you can revel in the river precinct at 5.30pm from South Bank on 15 different walk circuits, as the day cools down, discovering Brisbane's natural beauty and architectural charm on these walks, a great opportunity to meet and make new 'sole mates'. 
Walking for Pleasure's Summer Season continues through the festive time without a break.
Walks on most days of the week and for most fitness levels, they are of 2 hour or 90 minute duration with options for shorter walks, and most are accessible by public transport.  Walkers are encouraged to walk at their own pace.  Volunteers are in attendance to lead and tail-end each walk. 
Today there is much documented evidence of the benefits of walking - control your weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes.  Walking for Pleasure Brisbane constantly gives opportunities for walkers to further explore and enjoy their city, its natural beauty and heritage while getting and/or keeping fit and making new friends.  Become a summer 'sole mate'. 
For more walk information visit www.ourbrisbane.com or phone 07 3846 2220

Source: whereilive


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