Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Couple's bright idea

LIGHTS shine bright in the northwest where the season’s most devoted refuse to be deterred by surging electricity costs as they aim to spread Christmas cheer.

Houses throughout the region are lighting up to take part in the 4KQ Christmas lights competition.

Henry and Mary Cichowski, of Kuringal Drive in Ferny Hills, have been building on their lights display for seven years.

``It takes me four and a half weeks to put it up,’’ Mr Cichowski said.

``I’ve got a decorator, which is my wife. She’s got a very good eye for detail.’‘

He estimated their display, which they add to each year, had cost them about $10,000.

But despite the cost, including rising electricity charges, it was a worthwhile investment, he said.

``It’s a lot of work putting them up but I get great joy seeing people walking up on to the lawn to have a look,’’ he said.

``People in the area look forward to my lights going up.’‘

In Eatons Hill, electrician George Gollagher said he’d made adjustments this year to ensure he could afford to continue his 26-year tradition of lighting up his home.

He said last year their Christmas display cost them more than $100 in electricity so this year he switched to the more energy-efficient LED lights, which he said would cost about 20 cents per hour to power their display.

The Gollagher family, including Maggie and Melanie, dedicated their light display in Nestor Crt to Mr Gollagher’s mother, Audrey, who died this year.

Visit questnews.com.au to find maps showing every Christmas Lights entrant across Brisbane, view spectacular photo galleries and stories profiling people behind the lights.

Source: whereilive


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