Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Phone volunteers vital

Castle Hill Grief Support co-ordinator Elizabeth Fogolin is looking for more volunteers to help her with a telephone support service.

Castle Hill Grief Support co-ordinator Elizabeth Fogolin is looking for more volunteers to help her with a telephone support service.

FOR most people, loss and grief is associated with the death of a loved one but Grief Support co-ordinator Elizabeth Fogolin said it came in many forms.

The Castle Hill volunteer is part of a group of people who give up their time to look after a telephone support service which helps people who are going through their own personal loss.

The mother of three and grandmother of five has been a volunteer with the service for four years. She believes it really makes a difference in people’s lives despite the fact as a volunteer she never knows the outcome of the calls she receives.

“The types of volunteers we are looking for are people who are passionate about helping others and are good listeners,” she said.

Grief Support was established 30 years ago and is now a branch of the National Association for Loss and Grief.

It is looking for men and women to join its band of telephone volunteers, who operate anonymously from their own homes.

“Just being a non-judgmental voice means so much to people who use the service,” Mrs Fogolin said.

Intensive training will be provided over six weekends during September and October.

This confidential telephone support service is accessible to anyone in NSW at the cost of a local phone call and is anonymous to both the caller and volunteer supporter.

An information day will be held at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, Milsons Point, on September 10.

Inquiries: Grief Support on 0406 021 057 or email griefsupport@live.com.au

Source: whereilive


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